China Respects Religious Freedom Of Tibetans: America
China Respects Religious Freedom Of Tibetans: America |
The Chinese government has urged Tibetans to respect human rights and religious freedom. In this regard, a proposal was presented in the American Parliament, which passed unanimously.
Washington, Patr. The United States on Friday urged the Chinese government to honor Tibetans human rights and religious freedom. In this regard, a proposal was presented in the American Parliament, which passed unanimously. The proposal has strongly supported the religious rights, including the various issues of Tibetans. At the same time, people of Tibet community can choose their 15th Dalai Lama (religious teacher) without any Chinese intervention. This issue is specifically mentioned in the proposal.
Credit goes to MP Patrick Leigh, Diane Feinstein, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. MP Leh said, "We are standing with them not only in Tibet but also in any part of the world for the rights of Tibetans. They have the right to choose their religious leader. '
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