China launches Ledger weapon in Djibouti

China launches Ledger weapon in Djibouti, American target first target

China launches Ledger weapon in Djibouti, American target first target

China launches Ledger weapon in Djibouti, American target first target

New Delhi [Special Desk] After the growing tensions between the United States and China in the South China Sea, it is now similar to that seen in Djibouti, Africa. The reason for this is the laser beam left on the US Air Force plane. Because of this the pilot of the aircraft was injured. The United States has directly charged China with this. America has to explicitly say that this work can not do any other than China. Let us tell you that both China and the United States have military base in Djibouti. China has started its military base here in July last year, while the US is already here. Japan also has a military base here. But the kind of allegations that the United States has imposed on China are also very serious because the laser beam is considered to be extremely dangerous weapon.

US military base in Djibouti

Located on the mouth of Africa's continent, Djibouti has a large military base in the US, where four thousand troops are deployed. These include the Special Operation Group. The United States monitors the situation of the ongoing civil war in Yemen and the situation in Somalia. Distance of military bases of both countries is only a few kilometers. US Defense Ministry Pentagon has taken seriously the incident of targeting the laser beam and has asked the Chinese government to investigate it. According to the US, this incident occurred when the US Air Force aircraft was landing on the Hercules C 130 air strike. At that time the plane was targeted, due to which the pilot's eyes were damaged, he also got injured. The US has even alleged that this incident has not happened for the first time, but that such incident has happened almost ten times since the formation of a military base here in China.

US rejects charges against China

On the other side, China has rejected the allegations of the United States. In response, the Chinese Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying that the allegations of US are false. China is being unfairly condemned. People of China are fully following the international rules and the laws of Djibouti. They are committed to maintaining regional security and stability. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chuying said that after receiving the American complaint, a serious investigation was conducted, everything was found to be well. That's why the US allegation is baseless.

Why is Djibouti special for China?

Let us tell you that China has already been quite serious about the situation of Djibouti in Africa. Its position here is considered to be very suitable for building a military base. This is the reason why the US made its military base here long ago. This is a country lying on a busy shipping route. At the same time, the political situation here is stable compared to the rest of the neighboring countries. If China believes that there is peace in Africa and South Asia, the reason for building a military base here is to make peace. Apart from this, the work of military cooperation, naval exercise and rescue mission can also be done from here.

China's investment in Africa

China is constantly increasing the level of investment in Africa. Apart from this, he has been paying a lot of attention to modernization of his army over the past few years. Actually, the construction of the military base in Djibouti is the result of a friendly agreement between China and Djibouti. In the 2015 Summit that was held with African nations, China promised to invest 60 billion dollars for Africa's development. Along with this, China has also become the largest trading partner of the continent of Africa. On the other hand, China is getting many natural resources through Africa.

What is laser beam

The laser beam is considered the most deadly weapon of the future in the defense sector. Its biggest feature is that it does not appear, but its absolute verdict is effective in destroying anything. Such technology is available to China, including the US, Russia. Apart from this, if India speaks then it has been working on it for a long time. Laser guided missiles already exist with many countries. But laser beam is a very different form of modern weapons. Its second major feature is that through this the ground can be targeted by air and air from the ground. Its third major feature is that it is quite affordable weapon against other weapons.

Laser technology near the US and China

America had created such a first weapon which was named the Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS. It can accurately target any aircraft within one to two seconds and clean it. This weapon has been prepared by the US Navy and has been installed on USS Pons. As far as China is concerned, it had acquired such technology in the year 2014. Through this technique, the aircraft flying at a height of 500 meters is able to finish the drum in a few seconds. According to the news agency Xinhua, low voice, speed and accuracy are the key to this technique. The organization that develops it says that this weapon can destroy the aircraft within a radius of 2 km by targeting the aircraft within five seconds.

Laser technology near India

India is also developing such a weapon system of the future, but it is completely different from the laser system. The beep that is being tried under this scheme has been given black name. Kali (i.e., Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) This secret weapon is not a weapon laser gun, having the power to change the way of war in the future. KALI- 'Single Shot Pulsed Gigawatt Electron Accelerators'. These accelerators convert the energy of the electron into electromagnetic radiation into waves of high energy.

Combined Weapons

This wave of high energy will break the enemy's missiles and fighter ships like a helpless lightning and burn the enemy throughout the moment. At the moment, some prototypes have been prepared but the development of the complete weapon system is still in progress. The DRDO and Bhabha Atomic Research Center are making this weapon. In 1985, BARC director Dr R Chidambaram planned the KALI. Project KALI began in 1989. It is believed that if the project was successful, then the High-Power Microwave Gun, which generates energy through the water field capster, can be installed on aircraft and other platforms.
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