Dogra society, Pakistans talk about Pakistan's 'nonsense' activities

London (ANI). Voice over Pakistan is against the nefarious movements of the border, not only in India but also in the UK. Dogra community associated with Jammu and Kashmir has consistently protested against Pakistan for violating ceasefire.

This protest was performed in front of the Pakistan High Commission in London. Due to constant violation of the ceasefire by Pakistan and cross firing, the people living near the border in Jammu and Kashmir have become difficult to live. Due to the mortar being fired by Pakistan, property is also being damaged along with life. In protest against this, people of Dogra community have opened a front against Pakistan.

Protesters also highlighted the death of Nitin and 8-year-old Krishna, the child of eight months killed in Pakistan's nefarious firing during the holy month of Ramzan. Explain that Pakistan is constantly violating the seizure. Due to which the education of the villages and the children of the children adjacent to the border is being affected. Pakistan has not been able to cross-firing the terrorism regime.

Exhibitor Anisha Safaiya said, "I request the authorities of Pakistan to stop bleeding from our borders. Stop killing our people. If you (Pakistan) are not troubled by the murder of an eight-year-old girl, then it is really embarrassing. ' Another protester said that he would raise his voice against Pakistan in many international forums and would say that Pakistan is a terrorist country.
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