Donald Trump Threatens Kim Jong all information

Donald Trump's Kim Jong threatened, believe me, otherwise do not waste it

US President Donald Trump has threatened Kim Kim-Jong-them, to offer their opinion. On Friday, Trump has warned Kim Jong again. Trump said that if Kim leaves the nuclear weapons program, then he will remain in power. But if he denies agreement with Washington, he will be "ravaged".
Donald Trump threatens Kim Jong all information
Donald Trump threatens Kim Jong all information

Recently, Kim Jong threatened that he would not be attending a possible meeting in Singapore with Trump on June 12. Trump had reversed it. In the White House, Trump told reporters, "If he abandons his nuclear weapons, then I am ready to do 'a lot' to give Kim a 'security'." The Trump further said, "He will be given protection , Which will be very strong .... The best thing to do is to make that agreement. '

Trump also said that there was no official statement from North Korea regarding the withdrawal of the talks. They said, 'Our people are really working to arrange talks, so it is different from that, which you read about, but many times what you read is not a fake news, it is the truth. '

They warned North Korea and told about two options. Stop the first nuclear program, stay in power or else, like Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who in 2011 were rebuffed by NATO-backed insurgents by ousting power. Trump said, "If you look at the model of Gaddafi, it was completely destroyed. We went there to defeat them there. In case of no compromise, that model can be adopted. '

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Trump also said that the US would not use 'Libya model' during negotiations with North Korea. Earlier, National Security Advisor John Bowlton had said that the basis for talks with Pyongyang would be 'Libya Model of 2003-04'. The President said, "When we think of North Korea, this is not a Libyan model. In Libya, we had destroyed that country ... there was no compromise to protect Gaddafi. '

In 2003, Gaddafi had agreed to eliminate the weapons of mass destruction in his country instead of financial aid from the United States, although Gaddafi was not trusted in any kind of security in the agreement.
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